Please note: This blog is no longer updated and has moved to a new location: Scott Mark.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Speaking at Office 2.0

Thanks to Ismael Ghalimi and Susan Scrupski, I will speaking at the Office 2.0 conference in September. I am very excited to be part of this panel, and am looking forward to hearing from others about successes and challenges of bringing Web 2.0 to large enterprises. This track looks like a great lineup! OK, I'm biased...

This will also be a great chance to finally meet some people that I have been tracking for awhile now, or need to start tracking. On my short list are Ismael, Steve O'Grady, Dion Hinchcliffe, Om Malik, and Stowe Boyd.

Hope to see some others of you there, otherwise I will be blogging from the event.

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