Please note: This blog is no longer updated and has moved to a new location: Scott Mark.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Burton Panel - iPhone for the Enterprise (?)

If you are a Burton Group subscriber, you might be aware that Burton is holding a telebriefing panel today on the topic of "iPhone for the Enterprise", which should be good.  It sounds like a bit of a REST/SOA point-counterpoint with some panelists stumping for the iPhone and others chopping it down.

I have not yet experience the iPhone (but will next week at Office 2.0), so don't have an informed opinion.  Everything I hear sounds like it has a rich browsing experience, and also that Apple is putting forth a good effort to build a development ecosystem around the platform.  So who knows, maybe it could happen.

I still think the biggest hurdle at large companies is the perception that the iPhone is just a must-have consumer device.  Of course, you can play music and video on many smartphones, but this is where Apple's propensity to do it too much better than everyone else backfires.  Do you just want to watch DVDs, or are you getting some work done?

The killer app for the iPhone, against Windows Mobile at least, is stability.  If Apple can nail the stability game, go enterprisey when it comes to device management, and get a development ecosystem going, who knows...


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Enterprise 2.0 Track Shaping Up

The agenda for the Enterprise 2.0 track at Office 2.0 is shaping up, and looks to be very interesting.  As I mentioned, I will be on one of the customer panels along with Miko Coffey, Doug Marshall, and Lee White (check out Lee's Social Media presentation) discussing "The End User as Web Practioner".  The Knowledge Worker 2.0 session looks good, as well as a session on Mindmapping.  I'm also interested in Shel's discussion on SAP Global Social Media Research- a strategic imperative at SAP... wow.

In comments around the Office 2.0 site, I have seen that compliance is an issue on people's minds with 2.0 technology.  This is a topic of great interest to me, working in a regulated industry.  We have to be very keen on compliance, and have dealt with this issue on collaborative technology, so I'm hoping to share my thoughts and learn from others in this area.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Speaking at Office 2.0

Thanks to Ismael Ghalimi and Susan Scrupski, I will speaking at the Office 2.0 conference in September. I am very excited to be part of this panel, and am looking forward to hearing from others about successes and challenges of bringing Web 2.0 to large enterprises. This track looks like a great lineup! OK, I'm biased...

This will also be a great chance to finally meet some people that I have been tracking for awhile now, or need to start tracking. On my short list are Ismael, Steve O'Grady, Dion Hinchcliffe, Om Malik, and Stowe Boyd.

Hope to see some others of you there, otherwise I will be blogging from the event.

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