Colorado Software Summit 2005
http://www.softwaresummit.comI am just getting back from one of the best conferences I have attended to date - the Colorado Software Summit. If you have not heard of this conference yet, you should make plans for next year. It was a long and draining week, but full of great speakers and information. The organizers, Peggy and Wayne Kovsky, are fantastic and very personal hosts. They do an excellent job fostering a very casual and interactive culture at the conference, which includes open mic-style Q and A sessions at the end of each day (some of the best moments of the conference).
My brain in swelling now with info on web services and SOA, which were common topic areas this year. Kelvin Lawrence from IBM had 2 great sessions that covered just about every WS-* standard in the works today; these sessions were a great overall look at where web services will be in a year or two.
I was also very into Matt Raible's presentations on Spring and Comparing Web Frameworks - topics I have currently very interested in.
There was also a fantastic keynote by Simon Phipps on open source licensing models. I was very keen on this because I was reading Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig on my trip - this is a must read and covers an area I wll be blogging about.